Sunday, January 26, 2020

Abiotic And Biotic Characteristics Environmental Sciences Essay

Abiotic And Biotic Characteristics Environmental Sciences Essay San Francisco Bay has maintained a magnificent body of water and use to sustain the economy of Western United States and San Francisco Estuary in Bay in is of great importance because through this a large number of water draining becomes possible. Its Estuary from where fresh water meets to sea water. There are many pollutants that we face in our daily life e.g. dirt, sediments, oil, grease, fertilizes pesticides chemicals etc. the water running from the land carrying these pollutants to underground and ultimately this reach to the Estuary of san Francisco. These pollutants when reach in river and sea water can pollute the whole water and prove harmful for aquatic life as it can be cause harm for wetland creatures like fish, and can prove very dangerous for other habitats of water. It can destroy the aquatic system and can be major threats for the living organism living under water. As San Francisco Estuary considered as a very important region and has much economic importance so for prevention of pollution and keep safe this region from other different factors restoration and conservation is used. Abiotic and biotic characteristics of the San Francisco Estuary Many of environmental factors affect the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the San Francisco Estuary these include both abiotic and biotic characteristics. These factors effects the life in Estuary in great extends. Non-living factors are called abiotic factors which include concentration of oxygen and nutrients, salinity of water and amount of sunshine. As these factors have the major impact on the life in estuary. All living factors that affect the estuary are called biotic factors. That includes producers consumers and predators as producers are of basic importance for consumers. Consumers rely on producers and predators rely on consumers. So these are depend on one another to maintain the balance of estuary, Population growth in the San Francisco Bay area affected the estuary Increasing trend of population in San Francisco Bay area affected the estuary as increasing trend of population cause a rush in urban as well as on village areas. More the people are using the recourses more the waste is creating and much use of water and water waste from its use create pollution as much of the polluted water is drained through the underground ways to Estuary that is a great threat for the marine life. More over in recent years 40,000 metric tons of pollutants enter the Bay annually from agriculture and urban runoff. Rivers, atmospheric fallout, municipal sewage treatment plants, industrial facilities, natural and artificial erosion, illegal clearance, dredging and dredged material disposal, marine vessel discharges, accidental spills, and landfill seepage are also causing problems as well. (1) Habitat fracture in the San Francisco Estuary been increased by human behavior Estuaries is of great importance for us as these are used for food, trade and for shelter and in this case Sans Francisco Bay has great importance as it is used as harbor for many ships of this regions. There are large number of plants and animals found in Estuaries and the most of population of San Francisco Bay depend on these marine lives for their food. But due to the pollution spreading by increase in population cause harm to these plants and animals. This pollution can cause damage to the lives of these plants and animals found in estuaries. Heavy load of silt, trash, and sediments by erosion and chemical contamination cause can prove to be harmful for these plants and animals and can create suffocation for them. Due to increase in irrigation or by making more dams by the people can cause problems as more the salty water will move upstream as compare to normal routine that can cause destructive consequence for species living in the water. The most important impact of human population in estuaries habitat in San Francisco is the development of estuaries. People are trying to get expand the area of estuaries for development purpose as they are quite interested to use the land for housing and business purpose as they want to want to utilize the region of estuaries for industrial development. Economically estuaries are very beneficial for these purposes but this can caused the lost of large number of habitat found in these estuaries. So it is harmful for the water species and become the cause of Habitat fracture in the San Francisco Estuary. Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) is transporting the organism across America and around the globe. This phenomena is increasing that cause harm to native fish and wild life in different ways as it disturb the entire food web and cause problems for human life activity as well e.g. disrupting the water delivery and effecting the agriculture as well. Conservation being used to promote and maintain the biodiversity of plants and animals in the San Francisco Estuary Biodiversity of plants and animals means range of organisms including different plants and animals, present in ecological system. It is very important to promote and maintain the biodiversity of plants and animals to get the wide variety of organism that will be beneficial and use to fulfill human needs. San Francisco Estuary is of great importance for the habitat of this region as they get important benefits from them so to save this and to survive from the loss of species found in these estuaries it is very important to properly mange and develop the system to escape from the loss of marine species as well. Estuary of San Francisco Bay is of great importance in all over the world. To secure it from un exceptional phenomena and extend the productive use of it The San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) is playing very important role as they have used different approaches to reduce the impact of Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS). They have start to consider species management plan I order to recover the species of Estuary from harmful effects. Fish in the estuary need oxygen to survive so the estuary where there is increased pollution thats causing lost of marine life , Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) produces oxygen for fish breathing and to reduce the pollution. The Sans Francisco Bay conservation and development commission (2) prepared a plan to make and implement the policies for the development of Bay and to utilize the maximum benefits from them. The Sans Francisco Bay plan is created and implemented by this commission in 1968. The important conversation of this plan was related to shore line and coastal areas to utilize it to their maximum potential. Conservation of fish and other aquatic organism is most importantly depend on the oxygen that is provided to these organisms, fresh water, availability of food for these organisms, sufficient area of breeding and quality of water. If these factors are organized in proper way then it became possible to maintain and improve the biodiversity of plants and animals of Sans Francisco estuary. The Sans Francisco Bay conservation and development commission has taken important steps to restore these components in order to ensure the benefits for the future generation of these fish, and other wild life of estuary. This commission also provides recommendations in Bayland Ecosystem habitat Goal Report about the diversity of habitat o enhance the variety of aquatic plants and animal species. The Baylands Ecosystem habitat Goal Report works to provide the important information about the types, amount, and distribution of wetlands and its habitats that are needed to maintain a healthy eco system. Conclusion San Francisco Estuary is of great importance as this is a transition zone between watershed and ocean and economically this system has great importance for that region thats the reason of restoration of this estuary. Many action plans has made for the development, promotion and maintenance of these Estuary and many more action plans are expected in near future for further development of this ecosystem.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Financial accounting and Managerial use Essay

Background LJB Company , a small business local distributor who understands to go public in the future, the company should be in accordance with the law and may need to take more stringent internal control principles. At the request of the president, an independent internal evaluation of internal controls was conducted to evaluate the direction of strength and weakness. Objective The objectives of this report should evaluate the existing controls and make recommendations that will ensure the companies assets and help get the most accurate financial information. Based on a system of internal checks and balances will be just in my recommendations to the president of the company, since most of the internal control systems provide for independent internal control; This principle involves the review of data prepared by employees. To get the maximum benefit from an independent internal control : Control values and Integrity from the top make it clear that it is unethical activities will not be accepted, and set the tone for the company’s culture . There are several principles of management : 1. Establishment of responsibility: management is most effective when a single source may be responsible for the problem, including the authorization and approval of transactions. Weakness: LJB has only one accountant who serves as treasurer and controller , which can optimize the processes , but it creates an inherent risk . Cashier handled informally . Accountant is so busy that the company handles the checkout bit differently . All employees have access to the petty cash drawer and just put a note asking if they use any of the cash. Recommendation: * Align the specific obligations of employees to limit access to authorized employees so that the buyer is not the same person who authorizes the payment without the approval of the head at least . Otherwise , a person may make payments that are made to yourself. * Use unique passwords per employee to protect the purchasing system to provide adequate documents and records management. * Assign petty cash custodian. 2 . Segregation of duties : † After one employee should , without duplication of effort , provide a sound basis for evaluating the work of another employee. † 2 * Strength: Accountant receives the checks and completes the monthly bank reconciliation. This force , as the bank and the company maintain independent records , which may not always agree on what may be a simple mistake of either party. To maintain maximum benefits , a worker who has no other duties associated with cash should prepare a reconciliation. * Weakness: The same accountant all purchases of supplies and pays for these purchases per hour is a dual role . Petty cash handled all . * Recommendation: 1. Divide the purchase task to avoid the temptation of possible abuse. Keeper of the petty cash fund makes payments , but the reviews accountant to recharge . 2 . Require the authorization of the buyer and payment of employees on vacation at different times of the year. 3 . Documentation and procedures to provide evidence that the transactions and events occurred * Strength: Accountant recently started using pre- numbered invoices. * Weaknesses: Unclear procedures for shipping requirements , invoices and time signatures in developing accounting documents . All employees are required only to leave a note in the box , not supply a receipt. * Recommendation: * Delivery document indicates well have been shipped, invoice sales means that the client has been announced. Use remittance advice (mail receipts ) , cash register tapes, and deposit slips . * Require signature to identify the person responsible for the activity . * If possible , the user pre- numbered documents . It also helps to ensure that the transaction is no recorded several times or not at all . * Require time when documents should be sent in accounting for timely accounting. * Require receipts for most, if not all operations on a small number of dollars. Note: accountant wants to buy an indelible ink machine to print their checks. I would recommend the purchase of this equipment , depending on the cost-benefit analysis . Keep blank checks in safes with limited access will  be my first suggestion to cut spending immediately , with no additional costs. | 4 . Physical control can be mechanical and electronic asset protection . * Strength: Before leaving for the weekend accountant , accountant will move checks in a safe in his office . * Weakness: For salaries , checks selected accountant and left in his office for pick-up . Cashier box is not locked. * Recommendation: * Closed storage inventory and records management and control at all times, and not just for the weekend . * Alarm to prevent tampering if appropriate cost benefit * Closed petty cash . 5 . Independent internal verification includes an overview and comparison of the data to reconcile * Strength: Does not work . * Weaknesses: Unclear procedures requirements signatures , such as small cash transactions. Accountant is so busy that the company handles the checkout bit differently . All employees have access to the petty cash drawer and just put a note asking if they use any of the cash. * Recommendation: 1. Require an accountant to examine receipts and documents to verify costs to replenish funds. 2 . Surprise internal audits 6. Office of Human Resources * Strength: Employees seem to stay with the company for a long time and seems to be loyal . * Weakness: The President is still quite embarrassed because he was forced to fire one of their employees for viewing pornography on a company computer. He later learned that this man was a convicted felon who served time for molesting children. The Company had a hard time getting the employee to admit that this is it, because the company does not assign individual passwords. The President expressed his disappointment because he and an accountant and an interview and approve all new employees. * Recommendation: 1. Perform back ground checks and verify education credentials 2 . Check references , but never used the figures provided a reference sheet 3 . Employees bonds that deal cash 4 . Assign unique passwords for employees Conclusion: There are limitations of internal control , but they must provide reasonable assurance that assets are protected and accounting are accurate. Currently, as a small company LJB can not have a very complicated system of internal control , but must recognize the reality of the law for trading companies with the public are held at a higher level of compliance . LJB Company does some things right , but there are several areas for improvement . Literature : Paul D. Kimmel , Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald Kieso – 2010 – Business & Economics†¦/fin106c07.pdf

Friday, January 10, 2020

Performing a Business Impact Analysis for an IT Infrastructure Essay

Overview Answer the following questions, specific to the creation and focus of Business Impact Analysis as well as BCP documentation. Lab Assessment Questions & Answers 1 What is the goal and purpose of a BIA? To identify which business units, operations, and processes are crucial to the survival of the business. 2 Why is a business impact analysis (BIA) an important first step in defining a business continuity plan (BCP)? BIA identifies what is crucial which sets the path for what will be included in the BCP. 3 How do risk management and risk assessment relate to a business impact analysis for an IT infrastructure? Risk Management/Risk Assessment identify risks/vulnerabilities to the 7 domains of an IT infrastructure. BIA is basically doing the same thing but at the entire organization level. 4 True or False – If the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) metric does not equal the Recovery Time Objective (RTO), you may potentially lose data or not have data backed-up to recover. This represents a gap in potential lost or unrecoverable data. False 5 What questions would you have for executive management prior to finalizing a BIA report? What is the Maximum Acceptable Outage of a specific server or service? What are some critical business functions? What are the recovery objectives? 6 How does a BCP help mitigate risk? Mitigates risk by ensuring the organization is better prepared for disasters. 7 What kind of risk does a BCP help mitigate? Â  It is mitigating the risk of disaster that either destroys the server or building the server is in. 8 If you have business liability insurance, asset replacement insurance, and natural disaster insurance, do you still need a BCP or DRP? Why or why not? Yes you still need a BCP/DRP as insurance will reimburse you money to help rebuild, but they cannot provide you company data and that is what is needed for survivability. 9 What does a BIA help define for a BCP? Defines what systems and services are critical to the survival of an organization. 10 Who should participate in the development of BCP within an organization? IT Personnel and top level management. 11 Why does disaster planning and disaster recovery belong in a BCP? BCP ensures that the entire business can continue to operate in the event of a disruption, this includes disaster planning and recovery as loss of systems or services affects the organization. 12 What is the purpose of having documented IT system, application, and data recovery procedures and steps? So in the event something happens IT is not scrambling to try and figure out what to do. They set clear guidelines and instructions on what to do and when. If this is not clearly documented the RTO could be impacted which will result in UNHAPPY management and possible loss of revenue. 13 Why must you include testing of the plan in your BCP? Having a BCP is great but testing it proves that it works. You would not want to be in a situation when you need to failover and it is not working and this could have been resolved prior to the actual outage if it was tested. 14 How often should you update your BCP document? This should be updated at a minimum annually, semi-annually is probably a better target to shoot for.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Saturn Myth As A Type Of Meta Structure - 740 Words

It may be possible, if the monstrous rhetoric could be traced to its origin, to establish a type of meta-structure by which to identify uses of language and metaphor which rely on the monstrous to create difference or marginality. A brief look into the European origins of cannibalism, not as a practice but as a metaphorical construction, leads back to the Saturn myth. Again, Zika notes the use of the Saturn myth as the â€Å"explicit basis for [the] association between witch and cannibal,† and notes the similarity between depictions of the god who ate his own kind and depictions of both witches and cannibals. Sociologically, marginalized classes of people tended to be associated with Saturn throughout the Middle Ages, including â€Å"criminals, cripples, beggars, the elderly and low-born, the poor, and those involved in vulgar and dishonorable trades†; by the time of Columbus, the category of â€Å"Saturn’s children† had been expanded to include â€Å"th e dead, magicians, and witches.† It is also easy to see how the fear of consumption, so plainly manifested in the Saturn myth, also manifested in blatantly similar ways in a variety of Christian metaphors from the sixteenth century. For instance, hell was often depicted as an all-devouring mouth that opened as a cleft in the earth, and many popular representations of Satan, including Dante’s in the Inferno, depict him as a figure who consumes the bodies of sinners, often with limbs still hanging from his slavering jaws. Such imageryShow MoreRelatedManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesvolcanic twenty-first-century economy is that the terrain on which their businesses will operate tomorrow will be shaped differently from the terrain of today. They recognize that the business requirement is to lead accordingly, and they know that this type of leadership requires an understanding of the characteristics of the business initiative s that can meet the demands for supporting strong earnings growth in turbulent market conditions. Our work has shown that new powers of leadership and management